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Project Title

BookBuddy: Community Book Exchange Platform

Project Category

  • Web Development

Project Type

  • From Scratch

Project Description

BookBuddy is designed to foster a love for reading and sustainability within communities. The platform will allow users to list books they're willing to lend or give away and to request books from others in their vicinity. This not only promotes recycling and reusing but also helps in building a community of readers who can share reviews, recommendations, and even organize local book club meetings.


To develop a platform where users can easily lend, borrow, or exchange books with members of their community, thereby reducing the purchase of new books and promoting a sustainable reading culture.


  • React (for frontend web development)
  • Express.js (backend framework)
  • PostgreSQL (database)
  • Node.js (runtime environment)
  • JWT (for user authentication)

GitHub Repository

Proposed Timeline

Medium (1 week)

Team Members

  • user1234 (Project Lead & Backend Developer)
  • user5678 (Frontend Developer)
  • user9101 (Database Specialist)

Additional Resources/Requirements

  • Access to a book cover API for fetching book cover images and details.
  • Collaboration with local libraries or bookstores for potential partnerships and promotions.

Mockups or Diagrams

Link to mockups